We’ve built over a 800 WordPress sites the last 10 years, with 80% of them based upon the Studiopress genesis framework. It was originally started by Brian Gardner, a talented coder. In 2007 he provided us his (and our) first advanced design theme, called revolution. It was a unique newspaper style, rather than a traditional blogging layout popular at the time. A real game-changer for WordPress users and developers. In 2009 he re-branded himself as Studiopress. A few years later the genesis name emerged, a toolset to help developers build better, more robust sites, in less time.
Since then and because of this amazing work, Studiopress has grown to be one of the most respected and popular WordPress theme developers online. Their clean, flexible coding has helped hundreds of thousands build reliable sites across all sectors.
If you need help in installing or fine tuning any of the 100+ genesis themes, give us a call.
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