Shhh! Google Adwords Secrets

Google places and search optimisation helps provide a generic (free) listing. But with the technology upgrades of Google Maps, Adwords gets better too. Adwords is often referred to as ‘pay-per-click‘ (PPC). We know that poor Yellow Pages are buying huge amounts of Adwords to get their various categories listed.

But buying categories isn’t very effective. Below is an example of how Adwords works best, showing a local furniture store running an Adwords promotion. Note they have several stores and Google has integrated maps with the listing! Amazing stuff.

As a general rule, we recommend you use Adwords for specific promotions or events – Not so much for ‘advertising of my business’ as Yellow and all other directories push. Your Google Maps/Places page and website does that as part of your ‘organic’ search placement

The other reason for doing this is cost. It’s predicted that Pay-per-click (AdWords) costs, through competition, will rise by up to 50% in 2011 (read more).  All the more reason to target phrases related to a specific promotional campaign and use more email promotions to existing clients. Targeted keywords, means online Adwords PPC costs should be lower.

Begin using paid search for specific weekly store promotions too, just as businesses often do with local newspaper advertising.

Keeping it Personal

Adwords, plus special matching promotion landing pages on your website is all you need – Our self-managed websites makes this bit really easy. Better still, our email marketing options do this too, providing full tracking, followup sequences and due to advanced personalisation, amazing response rates. (left).

Getting the Right Keywords

But the real secret to success with Adwords they say is getting the right keywords. That’s true and there’s thousands of websites and books on this very topic. However their theories often conflict as many ‘SEO Gurus’ simply aren’t up with the times, proposing practices long outdated. We can help do this for you, using some of the best SEO brains in Australasia.

Search – An extension of your other marketing activities

Lastly, here’s some uncommon wisdom and cunning ideas for small business owners from SEO guru Bruce Clay. He describes where search actually fits in your marketing portfolio.

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