Gmail vs Protonmail

A Comparison of Secure Email Services

We’ve been a huge fan of Google and Googlemail services since 2004 and use many of their amazing services. But, in spite of their highly advanced and very convenient tools, more and more people today are looking at alternatives. ProtonMail stands out as a viable option for small business and startups compared to Gmail, especially for individuals seeking enhanced privacy and security features. One of the key advantages of ProtonMail is its use of end-to-end encryption, which ensures that all email communications are encrypted and can only be accessed by the sender and recipient. This level of security minimizes the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive information.

ProtonMail operates under Swiss jurisdiction, known for its strong data protection laws and commitment to user privacy. This means that user data stored on ProtonMail servers benefits from stringent legal safeguards, offering users greater peace of mind regarding the confidentiality of their emails over gmail where data is easily collected by Google and govt agencies.

Gmail does not provide end-to-end encryption by default, leaving emails potentially vulnerable to interception or hacking. While Google has implemented various security measures over the years, some users may still have concerns about their data privacy on a platform owned by a tech giant known for collecting user information for advertising purposes.

Protonmail vs Googlemail costs

Protonmail, like Google, also offer business options, meaning you can use their mail servers for your company domain as Google offers. With Proton for business is good value, starting from US$83/yr which can be used for up to three business domains, unlike Google, who charge around $72/yr for each one. Yes, Google does include more space, Google docs and countless other tools, but for those who already have MS Word, Outlook, Excel with Onedrive for under $10/mth, then Proton is perhaps a nice option both financially and from a security perspective.

If you need help in costing, migrating to or using protonmail for your business, give us a call. No obligation

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