The World’s Most ‘Google-Friendly’ Websites

AllureEvery business needs a website. It’s as important as having a phone number. But where to start? What type of website or developer to employ? Many have business owners have gone out and invested thousands into a beautiful looking website, that offered dismal returns.

Yet they hear of others who have a steady stream of online inquiries and sales through their website. Is there a website strategy or technology that’s better for business than others? Actually, there is…

The Best Value Website Platform for Small Business

wordpress1WordPress. To choose anything else is lunacyWordPress started as a simple blogging platform back in 2003.  Since then has blossomed into an award-winning content management system (CMS), now running over 200 million websites.

GoogleTrendsAdoption of WordPress now surpasses all other CMS options by a huge margin. Other CMS platforms simply cannot compete. Even Microsoft dropped their own ‘spaces’ platform in favour of WordPress. Cost is an obvious attraction for small business too. The relative ease of setup means upfront savings of 50-75% over other more complex CMS platforms like Joomla, Drupal, etc as well as ‘static’ sites built with Dreamweaver.

And the functions of WordPress seem to be endless, as more and more people are harnessing it’s power for template designs, blogging, news sites, corporate websites, photographic catalogues, community membership sites, e-storefronts and much more. Google are on record as stating that WordPress is their favourite website technology. The code is clean and structure is ideal for their search engine.

Finally – Take Control of YOUR Website

The biggest user benefit of WordPress is the ability for business owners to quickly, easily update their own site. Once established, you’re no longer at the mercy of designers or IT people every time you want to add or alter content. And updating content regularly is not only important to your customers, it actually helps you get a better Google search ranking too, meaning more traffic.

You can edit your own content, add new pages, videos and photos in minutes. And once you done it, WordPress automatically ‘tells’ the Google search engine you’ve made some updates, meaning it gets indexed within minutes, not days or weeks like ‘normal’ (often more costly) websites.

And WordPress sites allow you update your content in several ways…

dashboard 1 livewriter 2 Girl-with-Phone3
Any web browser like IE, Firefox, Safari etc. Most CMS solutions offer this, but ours is the best. Using the free Windows Live Writer PC app. This is the best method. (Video below) By Mobile – iPhone, iPad, Android phones, Windows phones, Nokia Smartphones etc.

Here’s a clip from a Microsoft training video on their free PC application, Live Writer.

Let Many Contribute and Engage

newspaper WordPress is a Publishing System, not just a ‘Website’ -  Like a printed newspaper or magazine there can be Editors, Authors, Contributors and Subscribers. Different logins and passwords can be allocated. This means key staff can be safely allocated areas of the site to update themselves, which makes it more personal, relevant and creates a closer bond with customers.

face Facebook-aware too – To save you even more time and effort, we can even program your WordPress retail, restaurant or small business website to automatically copy specific content to your Facebook business page at the same time.  The WordPress magic continues….

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